Project Description: The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is conducting a streetscape improvement project along Leland Avenue from Western Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, including Lincoln and Western Avenues between Eastwood and Leland. Building off the 2019 Lincoln Square Master Plan, and the Leland Ave Greenway neighborhood bike connection, the project aims to increase safety, improve walkability, support community and economic development, and enhance public spaces, including the Plaza adjacent to the CTA Brown Line Station.
Project Area: Leland Ave. between Western and Lincoln; Lincoln Ave. between Leland and the L Tracks; and Western Ave. between Eastwood and Leland.

Status: Design in Progress
Public Engagement: Open House Community Meeting was held on Thursday, January 18 2024, at the Old Town School of Folk Music Szold Hall (4545 N Lincoln Ave – East Building, 2nd floor) between 6:00pm and 7:30pm. Click here to see the meeting invite. The presentation boards can be viewed here.
Project Timeline: The project is expected to begin construction in Spring 2024, with substantial completion anticipated by the end of 2024.
Questions or comments regarding the project can be submitted below.