As of May 2023, the 111th St, Homan to Sacramento streetscape is under construction! Please visit the 19th Ward’s website for weekly updates:
Thank you to everyone who attended the
111th Street, Homan Avenue to Sacramento Avenue
Virtual Community Meeting!
If you missed the meeting, a recording of the presentation is linked here.
A pdf of the presentation can be found here.
Project Description
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is conducting a corridor improvement project along 111th Street from Homan Avenue to Sacramento Avenue. Building off of the success of the first section of the 111th Street project and the 111th Street Feasibility Study, this project aims to increase safety for all users, improve the traffic flow, and increase walkability and neighborhood connectivity.
The 111th Street project highlights include widened sidewalks, full-width roadway resurfacing, new curb and gutter, new sidewalk with ADA ramps, site furnishings including benches, bike racks and waste containers, new shade trees, new decorative street lighting with energy-efficient LED light, light pole mounted community identifiers, above-ground planters, hanging baskets, sidewalk medallions, and decorative stamped crosswalks.
Construction underway.
Questions or comments regarding the project can be submitted below.