The Make Way for People Program is an initiative to strengthen communities.  By converting neighborhood streets, sidewalks, plazas and alleys into places for people to sit, eat, and play, the program helps create safe, walkable neighborhoods that support local business and strengthen a sense of place.  The idea is to use lighter, less expensive tools such as removable decks, paint, and flower pots to quickly convert underutilized or small sections of the public right-of-way into people centered places.

The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) has partnered with communities throughout the city in developing a variety of neighborhood initiatives.  These include People Spots, People Streets, People Plazas and People Alleys. The Make Way for People program enables communities to use public ways such as streets, parking spots, plazas and alleys for programming that promotes safer and more walkable communities while encouraging economic development in Chicago neighborhoods.

The Chicago Department of Transportation can help you and your community plan a Make Way for People project. CDOT staff is available to assist residents, businesses, and community organizations in programming Make Way for People initiatives in their communities. Give us a call at 312-742-0318 to discuss your initial ideas and concepts or email us.