Currently, there are 67 miles of buffer protected bike lanes in the City of Chicago. Buffer protected bike lanes are similar to conventional bike lanes, with extra space to keep cyclists separated from motorists in travel lanes and also to keep cyclists further from parked vehicles and opening doors.
These lanes are identified on the Chicago Bike Map.
Below are examples of buffer protected bike lanes:

Identified as a Spoke Route in the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020, the Wabash Street buffer protected bike lane was installed in July of 2012 and extends from Cermak to Harrison.

The Clark Street Spoke Route and buffer protected bike lane was installed in 2012 and extends from Oak to North and Diversey to Addison.

The Wells Street buffer protected bike lane and Crosstown Route was installed in June 2012 and extends from Oak to North and Diversey to Addison
For more information about types of bike lanes and terminology, please refer to our Streets for Cycling Plan 2020.