Chicago Bike 2015 Plan

Chicago Bike 2015 BannerThe Bike 2015 Plan, published January 2006, is the City of Chicago’s vision to make bicycling an integral part of daily life in Chicago.  The plan recommends projects, programs and policies for the next ten years to encourage use of this practical, non-polluting and affordable mode of transportation.

The Bike 2015 Plan has two overall goals:
– To increase bicycle use, so that 5 percent of all trips less than five miles are by bicycle
– To reduce the number of bicycle injuries by 50 percent from current levels.

The plan has eight chapters, each with a specific goal:
– Bikeway Network – Establish a bikeway network that serves all Chicago residents and neighborhoods
– Bicycle-friendly Streets –  Make all of Chicago’s streets safe and convenient for bicycling.
– Bike Parking – Provide convenient and secure short-term and long-term bike parking throughout Chicago
– Transit –  Provide convenient connections between bicycling and public transit
– Education – Educate bicyclists, motorists, and the general public about bicycle safety and the benefits of bicycling.
– Marketing and Health Promotion –  Increase bicycle use through targeted marketing and health promotion
– Law Enforcement and Crash Analysis – Increase bicyclist safety through effective law enforcement and detailed crash analysis.
– Bicycle Messengers –  Expand the use of bicycle messengers; improve their workplace safety and public image.

The subsequent plan for bicycling in the City of Chicago is the Chicago Streets for Cycling Plan 2020.

Download the Chicago Bike 2015 Plan